Fireside Chat | AI Personalization

We sat down with Claritas’ SVP of AI Personalization, Don Sklenka to learn more about this new and innovative solution. In the 30-minute interview, he answers the following, and more:

– What is AI Personalization and how does this solution compare to Dynamic Creative Optimization?
– What is the role of a (human) marketer in AI Personalization?
– How does AI Personalization differ to other AI solutions on the market today, like ChatGPT?
– How do you know if the AI is working, what real-time stats can you see, and does the AI do all the in-flight adjustments automatically?
– What are the minimum requirements or considerations a company interested in AI Personalization for their marketing campaigns needs to meet or make?
– Does the AI take learning from one campaign and apply them to other campaigns, whether with the same advertising company or different?
– What is the next milestone for AI Personalization?

To learn more about AI Personalization, visit:

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