Good Karma Brands | ESPN Digital

Good Karma Brands Partners with Claritas For Retail Measurement​


Good Karma Brands | ESPN Digital is a leading sports media & marketing company that works with brands through media channels like radio, audio, digital, and more. When one of their sports retail clients was launching a new product line, Good Karma Brands| ESPN Digital challenged Claritas to help them with the measurement and attribution of how well their client’s campaigns were driving incremental traffic and purchases.​


Good Karma Brands ran a thirty-day, multichannel campaign comprised of Connected TV (CTV), digital display, and video on behalf of their client through ESPN Digital. ​

To accurately attribute conversions and revenue back to the advertising efforts, Claritas conducted an attribution and lift analysis, which evaluated campaign effectiveness. Our measurement solutions made it easy for Good Karma Brands to understand which media worked best and how many incremental conversions the retailer’s campaign drove with ESPN Digital.​

The analysis from Claritas, on behalf of Good Karma Brands’ retail client, showed over 100,000 incremental main website visits, a more than 200% lift in website visits to the new product line’s webpages, and a 91% incremental lift in checkouts. Claritas was also able to track revenue associated with these conversions and can even pass back details like an Order ID.​

Claritas and Good Karma Brands continue to collaborate on campaign measurement and attribution solutions for clients that range from major sporting teams to vitamin and supplement retailers, loan providers, law firms, and alcohol brands.​


119K incremental visits to the retailer's main website

236% lift in new product line website visits

91% incremental lift in checkouts


Claritas multichannel measurement and attribution solutions go beyond “cross device” analysis. We unify devices, conversation environments, and precise measurement indicators to truly analyze the effectiveness of your media.​

“Claritas has given GKB | ESPN Digital access to insights and analysis that we have not been able to fully understand until our partnership with Claritas. Their measurement provides our partners with a deeper understanding of the premium nature of ESPN, showcasing the full funnel capabilities of the platform.”
– Good Karma Brands | ESPN Digital

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